passeiertal ortschaft moerre gemeinde st leonhard
passeiertal ortschaft moerre gemeinde st leonhard


In the village of Mora a pilgrimage chapel attracts the visitors’ attention

Mora, located at 751 m a.s.l. in Val Passiria, belongs to the municipality of San Leonardo in Passiria and has only about 50 inhabitants. It can be reached via a narrow mountain road that is rich in curves. Mora actually has no real centre, but its farmsteads are rather spread all over the slope on which the village nestles.

Mora borders on Prantach and offers a remarkable pilgrimage chapel, located at 700 m a.s.l. above the Val Passiria. It is adorned with Baroque sculptures and a votive painting of the Painting School of Val Passiria (Passeirer Malerschule). The chapel can be reached on a pilgrimage path which is very popular.

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