Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Slightly or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 9 WSW
Humidity: 100%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 9 ENE
Humidity: 95%
Snow limit: N/A
Only a stone’s throw from Naturno, at 519…
Not only due to its breathtaking waterfall…
The municipality of Lagundo borders to the…
Marlengo is located above the Val…
Surrounded by vineyards and orchards, Cermes is…
The eye-catcher of the Mediterranean-Alpine…
Lana, the largest fruit-growing village of South…
The town of Merano includes the districts of…
Like a natural panoramic platform Scena is…
The village of Postal, located a stone’s…
In sunny location high above the Val…
Gargazzone, a family-friendly village at…
The mountain village of Avelengo, home of the…
Verano is located at a sunny terrace at 1,204 m…
Nalles is considered to be the gate to the…