nals dorf nalles paese
nals dorf nalles paese

Nalles village

Nalles is one of those villages that has managed to preserve its original character up to today

The village of Nalles is located at 331 m a.s.l. on a cone of rubble between the valley and the mountains, surrounded by orchards and vineyards. As the northernmost village of the South Tyrolean Wine Road, Nalles is called the gateway to this road. Schwanburg Castle, which housed the oldest winery of South Tyrol in the past, is also located in the village on the way to the Tesimo-Prissiano High Plateau.

Nalles is one of those villages that has been able to maintain its original character particularly well. Still today many ancient residences and farms adorn the centre of the village, a considerable number of buildings have their own garden in which often roses flourish in all colour shades. For the richness in this flower, Nalles is also considered to be the 'village of roses'. Castel Stachelburg emphasises the historic character of the village. This ancient mansion, hosting a tavern in its interior, dates back to the second half of the 16th century.

The parish church of Nalles is consecrated to S. Ulrico and is one of the most peculiar baroque churches in the area.

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Suggested accommodations: Nalles village

  1. Hotel Residence Traubenheim
    Hotel Residence Traubenheim

    Hotel Residence Traubenheim

  2. Gartenresidence Nalserhof
    Gartenresidence Nalserhof

    Gartenresidence Nalserhof

Tips and more infos