marling marlengo
marling marlengo


Marlengo is located above the Val d’Adige at 363 m a.s.l. and offers great hiking destinations in a mild climate

Marlengo is located on a terrace above the Val d'Adige, only 3 km from the spa town of Merano. Characteristic for the municipality are the fruit orchards and vineyards surrounding the village, as well as the mild climate. In other words, spring conquers the landscape very early in this area, long before in other regions you can even imagine to think of. For this reason Marlengo is above all recommendable in the time of apple blossom.

Historic jewel of the municipality is the neo-Gothic parish church, which casts a spell over visitors not only due to its considerable dimensions, but also due to its beauty. Moreover it boasts frescoes of the time around 1400, a huge mosaic, stations of the cross and four reliefs. By the way, this church has also got a sister church in Selsley (UK), where it has been rebuilt as a visitor of Marlengo was completely amazed by this construction.

Marlengo is also an ideal place to spend hiking holidays, as there are various possibilities for walks, such as the 12 km long Marlengo Waalweg path. This trail stretches along a former field irrigation channel and offers a great view on the valley basin of Merano. A part of this trail has by the way been established as adventure trail. Also recommendable is the Alta Via di Marlengo, snaking from farm to farm: this walking trail is rather easy and walkable within 4 to 5 hours by every average hiker.

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