Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Sunny or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 4 ENE
Humidity: 100%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 4 WNW
Humidity: 96%
Snow limit: N/A
The eye-catcher of the Mediterranean-Alpine…
Marlengo is located above the Val…
The town of Merano includes the districts of…
Not only due to its breathtaking waterfall…
Like a natural panoramic platform Scena is…
Surrounded by vineyards and orchards, Cermes is…
Only a stone’s throw from Naturno, at 519…
Lana, the largest fruit-growing village of South…
The mountain village of Avelengo, home of the…
The village of Postal, located a stone’s…
The sun-drenched village of Naturno is above…
Verano is located at a sunny terrace at 1,204 m…
Gargazzone, a family-friendly village at…
In sunny location high above the Val…
Nalles is considered to be the gate to the…