algund dorf lagundo paese
algund dorf lagundo paese

Lagundo village

The village of Lagundo immediately borders on the city of Merano and is located at 350 m a.s.l

Lagundo village is located in scenic position at an altitude of 350 m a.s.l, offering a wide view on the city of Merano, which is distant only 2 km. Lagundo village directly borders to Quarazze, a component locality of Merano. Vineyards and orchards surround Lagundo, which are also the reason for its byname garden or grape village.

Mediterranean and alpine, Lagundo village unites both aspects and exactly this accomplished combination makes the village unique and memorable. Don't miss out on a visit to the ancient parish church dedicated to SS. Ippolito and Erardo. A fresco adorns the southern façade, illustrating two mythical creatures, while the interior boasts three altars made by the sculptor Josef Wassler.

The famous Roggia di Lagundo (Waalweg path) runs beyond the village, offering breathtaking views on the surroundings cultural and natural landscape. A sports event that takes place in the village of Lagundo, however, is the a running competition held in September, called "Algunder Dorflauf“.

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