Rainguthof Gfrill Tisens Pferd Henne Schwein
Rainguthof Gfrill Tisens Pferd Henne Schwein

Kids and family

Merano and surroundings offer a wide range of destinations for trips with kids as well as activities dedicated to families with kids

Merano alone has about 25 playgrounds to offer for families with kids, moreover there is plenty of space for playing in the surroundings. If you would like to go for a swim with your family, we warmly recommend you the city pool, the Thermal Baths or the Lana lido, all of them offering pools for kids.

If you might seek cultural offers, visit the library of Merano where you can find lots of books and readings, also for kids. What we also recommend during your family holidays is a visit to one of the castles in the surroundings of Merano. Another highlight, not only for children, is a visit to the bird care centre of Castel Tirolo with a flight demonstration.

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