
Information for visitors

Here you’ll find opening times, entrance fees and important informations on the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle

Opening hours 2024:
29.03. - 15.10. daily 9 am - 7 pm
16.10. - 31.10. daily 9 am - 6 pm
01.11. - 15.11. daily 9 am - 5 pm
every Friday in July and August:
9 am to 11 pm

Day ticket adults:
16.00 Euros, family ticket available

The Touriseum and the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle represent a single attraction. The entry ticket is valid for both. Animals are not allowed.

Time scheduling:
We recommend you to schedule enough time for a visit of the gardens, as in the area including 12 hectares there is much to discover and explore. For this reason we recommend you to stay around 3 to 6 hours, but of course you can also perfectly spend one whole day.


  • by car: take the expressway MeBo from Bolzano, from Passo Resia take SS40 and SS 38 to Merano South, second roundabout towards Scena, 2 km to the gardens
  • by public means of transport: international train connections to Bolzano, regional train to Merano, from station take city bus n° 4 or 1B
  • on foot: via the "Sissi-Weg" (Sissi Path) from the centre of Merano (45 minutes, 3 km)

Further information:
phone +39 0473 255600,

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