st pankraz pankrazer see stausee
st pankraz pankrazer see stausee

Lake Alborelo

On the way to the Val d’Ultimo, after S. Pancrazio, you can see Lake Alborelo located underneath the road

The Valsura river rises at the Fontana Bianca Lake at the head of the valley. Its waters are dammed in S. Valburga by Lake Zoccolo and again in S. Pancrazio. The course of the river is about 40 km long, before it flows into the Adige river at Lana. The water plant S. Pancrazio, used for the production of energy, was constructed in the period 1955 - 1957.

Today the Alborelo Lake (Pankrazer Stausee in German), located at 804 m a.s.l., is the second largest of six artificial lakes in the Val d'Ultimo.

Here, in the first village of the valley and about 14 km from Lana, the "Ultner Talweg" trail starts. It takes across meadows and forests from farmstead to farmstead to S. Valburga in a long walk. In S. Valburga it traverses the dam of Lake Zoccolo and leads back to S. Pancrazio. The path provides a fabulous view also on Lake Alborelo. For the entire trail you need to schedule about 8 hours.

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