schloss labers bei meran
schloss labers bei meran

Labers Castle

Castel Labers in Labers, a quarter of Merano, was first mentioned in the 12th century

Above Castel Rametz in Merano, there is a two-storied, castle-like construction with two corner towers: Labers Castle. In former times it was a farm named after its owners, Laubers. In 1185 this farm has been mentioned for the first time in written documents. Already before, between 1077 and 1082, a man named Ulrich von Laubers was believed to live here. After the house of Laubers, Heinrich Marschall of Tyrol took over this farm in the 13th century.

In the following centuries many families purchased and sold the castle. In 1891 the Dane Adolf Neubert was king of the castle and transformed Labers Castle into a guesthouse. The basic structure of the building got lost, only remains of characteristics are recognizable at some corners. Ancient stone layers in the cellar as well as the St Michael chapel from the 15th century are the only witnesses of former times.

During WWII, at Castel Labers there was a centre for counterfeiting money for the Third Reich. This is where false pounds and starlings were produced for espionage purposes under Admiral Canaris. This was one of the main counterfeiting plots of history ("Operation Bernhard"). After WWII Labers Castle was transformed into a hotel and has this function still today.

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