Tuesday 1 April 18:00 - 20:00

Vernissage: The Future of Travelling


Beginning: 18:00

End: 20:00

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Historic town of Merano, Touriseum - Castle Trauttmansdorff
Touriseum Trauttmansdorff Castle,
+39 0473 255 655
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This topic will be the focus of our staircase exhibition starting April 1st.

This unique exhibition offers a visionary investigation of how travelling might develop and grow in the 21st century and beyond.

Using AI images and illustrations, the Touriseum offers a glimpse into the future of travelling. This uncertain future comes to life, prompting reflection and even dreaming. Let yourself be inspired as you explore the possibilities and challenges of the coming age of travel.

“The Future of Travelling” presents a collection of creative short texts and their artistic interpretations that will challenge the limits of our imagination. From hypermodern means of transport to sustainable travel options and virtual travel experiences, the exhibition explores a variety of themes that might shape travelling in the coming decades.

The exhibition is on display until 9 November 2025

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