Friday 27 September
Saturday 28 September

Trailrunning Camp Merano 2000

2 dates
from Friday, 27 September 2024
to Saturday, 28 September 2024


Falzeben - Merano 2000, meeting point: parking area Falzeben
Merano 2000 Cable Car,
+39 0473 234821,

Attention! Reservation needed.

More information about:


Do you enjoy being out in nature and already have some trailrunning experience? Then the Trailrunning Camp Merano 2000 would be great for you: the two professionals in trail running and mountain running, Andreas Reiterer and Anna Hofer, have all kinds of useful techniques for uphill and downhill, tips on the use of poles and for training planning and regeneration.

2 days from Friday 27th to Saturday 28th September with training sessions and technique-breaks
Friday: run to the Moschwald Alpine Cottage, than lunch followed by a run to the Kirchsteiger Alpine Cottage (overnight stay)
Saturday: introduction to the techniques of pole use, followed by a run to Kuhleiten Alpine Cottage with lunch, then return to Falzeben including downhill techniques

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