Sonora 708 - Double: Double Gaze
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Historic town of Merano Hotels Historic town of MeranoDescription
Canti dal Silenzio by and with Marcello Fera.
Words as a double of musical discourse and the dual role of artistic director and musician.
Marcello Fera: Segno, Andare,Taglio, Memento Gori, Sensa Sciou, Improvvisazione, Cura, Ragionando
Domenico Gabrielli [1650-1690]: Ricercare primo
From the Kroměříž Manuscript [1672]: Giga e Variatio
J.S. Bach [1685-1750] : Double [from Partita No. 1 in B minor BWV 1002]
Marcello Fera: Ninna per Olga
All’intorno, Interludio alla voce di Roberta Dapunt, Mnemo, Aframunda
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