Sonora 708 - Double
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Historic town of Merano Hotels Historic town of MeranoDescription
Twins in Heaven and on Earth
Riccardo Nova: Rudra Mantra, Kunti Mantra and Combat (excerpts from Mahābhārata opera project) for harp, percussion, electric guitar, electronics. From the famous epic and sacred book Mahabharata. A profound reflection on Hinduism as the basis from which the poem moves to offer a unique perspective on human existence and its myriad contradictory facets.
Composer Riccardo Nova reinterprets the Indian epic, bringing mantras, ancestral rhythms and contemporary sounds to the stage with effectiveness and balance. The work ‘Mahābhārata - Mantras, Fights and Threnody’ earned Riccardo Nova a nomination as a finalist for one of Europe's highest awards for composition, the ‘Prix Prince du Monaco’.
Icarus Ensemble:
Gilda Gianolio - harp
Michele Di Modugno - percussion
Francesco Pedrazzini - percussion
Giorgio Genta - electric guitar
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