Tuesday 10 September 09:30 - 16:00
Tuesday 1 October 09:30 - 16:00
Tuesday 22 October 09:30 - 16:00

Guided Bike Tour - Peter Mitterhofer


Beginning: 09:30

End: 16:00

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3 dates
from Tuesday, 10 September 2024
to Tuesday, 22 October 2024


Lagundo village, meeting point: tourist office
Tourist office Algund,
+39 0473 448600,

Attention! Reservation needed.

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Guided Bike Tour: Peter Mitterhofer Tour (34 km, 800 m elevation gain)

Embark on the impressive Peter Mitterhofer Tour, covering 34 kilometers with an elevation gain of 800 meters. This guided bike tour meanders through picturesque villages, offering not just a sporting adventure but also cultural and culinary highlights. Our journey begins in Algund, where an experienced bike guide leads us through a panoramic landscape to Töll and the K&K Museum of Bad Egart. Continuing along the Apple Road, amidst blooming orchards, we reach Naturno and follow the bike path to Partschins, where the Typewriter Museum awaits. The Museum has over 2000 typewriters, making it one of the world's largest collections. The next leg involves a challenging ascent to the "Dursterhof" hut, rewarding us with a delightful lunch break and a tasty snack. Energized, we pedal back through Tell to our starting point in Algund.

The diverse landscape and cultural attractions ensure this bike tour is an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts eager to actively explore the beauty of South Tyrol."

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