Wednesday 25 September 20:30 - 22:15



Beginning: 20:30

End: 22:15

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Historic town of Merano, Centro per la Cultura Mairania
Mairania 857,
0473 230128,
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On the southern outskirts of Paris, the huge Cité Gagarine housing estate, once a symbol of modernity and progress, is about to be demolished after years of rampant decay. Among the 370 families waiting to be assigned to other dwellings, there are those who are more ready than others to say goodbye to such a significant place, but above all it is 16-year-old Youri, who grew up there, who does not want to resign himself. As the flats around him empty out, and as the construction sites and workers multiply, the boy who bears the name of the first man in space puts engineering talent and a 'cosmic' imagination at the service of a dream.
As part of the W le women seminar-event

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